The Fall of Adam
The Fall of Adam is an urban regeneration of Adam’s fall from grace. Taking the story to new hi-rise heights and wrestling his descent down through the inferno, he finds his once beautiful eve has turned from the divine to the bovine. A bloody fight with a fat guy in stained underwear (Satan) ends Adam’s fall. His body descends the endless flights to his death. He turns back to the dust in which he was created.
The Fall of Adam was screened at over 30 festivals across The UK, Europe and The United States. The film was also shown on television in The UK, Spain and in Norway as part of Screen Dance programming.
...Gail Anderson Sneddon’s film making future in particular is one to track.
BBC SOUTH TODAY eloquently framed economy of imagery with a highly polished visual style
Director: Gail Sneddon
Cinematograph: Ben Moulden
Sound: Tate Music
Performers: Tiago Gambogi, Jane Buttler, Phizzo